Commentary: Biden Plans to Vastly Expand ‘Refugee’ Applicants to Circumvent Border Crisis

While there is a dearth of data showing the border crisis is costing Biden heavily in polls, Biden’s plan to dramatically expand immigration and resettle record-breaking numbers of individuals from Latin America through the refugee program is wildly out of step with public opinion.  

Not only have the massive spikes in illegal border crossings strained border patrol resources and posed threats to national security, but the Biden Administration’s response is to vastly expand the number of individuals entering the U.S. under the refugee program.

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Syrian Refugee Reportedly Suspect in France Stabbing Attack Targeting Toddlers

At least four toddlers were stabbed Thursday morning in a park in southeast France, the country’s interior minister says, and the suspect is reportedly a Syrian refugee who is now in police custody. Police were able to overpower and arrest the attacker, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said, according to the BBC.

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