Commentary: DHS’ Secrecy About ‘Disinformation’ Regulation Docs

Nina Jankowicz

Nearly two years after Nina Jankowicz briefly led the Disinformation Governance Board at the Department of Homeland Security, she’s launched an organization demanding transparency and the public release of documents about the public debate on disinformation. An interesting move, likely without true transparency in mind.

My organization, Americans for Prosperity Foundation, has spent the same two years fighting DHS for documents on the federal board Jankowicz managed. We’re filing a second lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act to fight continued government stonewalling of our requests. Thus far, DHS has refused to provide unredacted versions of documents that outline its purported authorities to regulate disinformation. Nor will the agency release more information about its work on misinformation related to “irregular migration” and “Ukraine” before the board was disbanded in August 2022.

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Commentary: Logically.AI of Britain and the Expanding Global Reach of Censorship

Computer Keyboard

Brian Murphy, a former FBI agent who once led the intelligence wing of the Department of Homeland Security, reflected last summer on the failures of the Disinformation Governance Board – the panel formed to actively police misinformation. The board, which was proposed in April 2022 after he left DHS, was quickly shelved by the Biden administration in a few short months in the face of criticism that it would be an Orwellian state-sponsored “Ministry of Truth.”

In a July podcast, Murphy said the threat of state-sponsored disinformation meant the executive branch has an “ethical responsibility” to rein in the social media companies. American citizens, he said, must give up “some of your freedoms that you need and deserve so that you get security back.”

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DHS Stonewalls on Legal Basis for Policing ‘Misinformation, Disinformation, Malinformation’

The Department of Homeland Security is not only hiding the purported legal basis for its authority to police misinformation, disinformation and malinformation – the latter sometimes jeered as “true but inconvenient” – but also any explanation for invoking an unexpected Freedom of Information Act exemption to hide them.

Hastily stitched together 22 years ago to prevent another Islamic terrorist attack but since turning its sights on domestic political disputes, the agency gave Just the News a lengthy defense of its work against disinformation but not an answer to how disclosure of its “MDM Space” legal authorities would imperil law enforcement work.

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Homeland Agency Expanded Authority to Wage ‘Domestic Surveillance and Censorship,’ House Report Says

Secret documents obtained by the House Judiciary Committee show that a Department of Homeland Security agency “expanded its mission to surveil Americans’ speech on social media, colluded with Big Tech and government-funded third parties to censor by proxy, and tried to hide its plainly unconstitutional activities from the public,” according to an interim staff report released Monday night.

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DHS Heavily Redacted Disinformation Board Emails Despite Claiming Agency Had Nothing to Hide

When the existence of the Disinformation Governance Board burst into public view, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said there was nothing sinister to hide and claimed the office was rooted in “best practices.”

A year later, Mayorkas’ department is refusing to let Americans see most of the legal justifications and talking points it created to defend the now-disbanded board from “blowback,” FOIA documents showed.

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Commentary: Government Colludes with Big Tech to Censor Americans

Despite plenty of negative media attention this year on the now-dissolved Disinformation Governance Board, government collusion with social media platforms is ramping up.

This collaboration between the Department of Homeland Security and companies such as Twitter and Facebook to police the speech of Americans requires a legislative remedy.

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Whistleblower Docs: DHS’s Disinformation Board Was Poised to Crack Down on Information Questioning Vaccines, Masks, and Validity of 2020 Election

by Debra Heine   The Department of Homeland Security’s paused “Disinformation Governance Board” (DGB) was set up to respond to matters the government unilaterally determined to be mis-, dis- or mal-information (MDM)—specifically information that counters official regime narratives on “the origins and effects of COVID-19 vaccines,” “the efficacy of masks,” the validity…

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DHS ‘Pauses’ Ministry of Truth; Disinformation Czar Nina Jankowicz Resigns After Backlash

The Department of Homeland Security has reportedly “paused” it’s new Disinformation Governance Board, and its director, Nina Jankowicz, has apparently resigned amid a major pushback from conservatives who compared the board to an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.”

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Biden’s Disinformation Czar Has It in for Americans Opposed to Critical Race Theory

The woman tapped to lead the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) “Disinformation Governance Board” called critics of Critical Race Theory (CRT) “disinformers” during a conference on disinformation.

Disinformation czar Nina Jankowicz said the GOP is made up of “disinformers” who “have seized on” issues like CRT to spread “disinformation” at a speaking event at The City Club of Cleveland in October 2021 titled “Disinformation and Democracy: Civic Discourse in the Digital Age.”

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Commentary: Congress Authorized DHS and CISA’s ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ Activities in 2018

In 2018, Congress unanimously passed legislation, H.R. 3359, that authorizes the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to disseminate information to the private sector including Big Tech social media companies in a bid to combat disinformation by potential foreign and domestic terrorists.

According to the agency’s website, CISA says it “rout[es] disinformation concerns” to “appropriate social media platforms”: “The [Mis, Dis, Malinformation] MDM team serves as a switchboard for routing disinformation concerns to appropriate social media platforms and law enforcement.”

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Commentary: Biden’s Scary and Unconstitutional Ministry of Truth

Earlier this week Biden announced that the Department of Homeland Security would be launching a “Disinformation Governance Board,” which will be headed by executive director Nina Jankowicz.

Katelyn Caralle, of the UK’s Daily Mail, describes Jankowicz as a woke so-called expert who’s against free speech and tried to pour cold water on the Hunter laptop scandal.

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Americans for Limited Government Urges Congress to Defund Biden’s Plan for ‘Disinformation Governance Board’

Americans for Limited Government, an organization that supports reducing the size and scope of government, urged Congress to defund a portion of the federal code that allows President Biden to create a “Disinformation Governance Board.”

Biden created the new board under the Department of Homeland Security and claims it will focus on misinformation about the Southern border, while preparing for Russian disinformation threats.

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Biden’s DHS Sets Up Orwellian ‘Disinformation Governance Board’

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced on Wednesday that the Department of Homeland Security has set up a new board designed to counter what it deems to be “misinformation and disinformation” threatening the homeland.

The “Disinformation Governance Board” that will be tasked with patrolling the speech of Americans, will reportedly be headed by “disinformation expert” Nina Jankowicz, a fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington who formerly worked as an advisor to the Ukrainian government.

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