Ramaswamy Campaign Disputes Grinnell Police Account of Crash Amid Protests at an Iowa Campaign Stop

The campaign for GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy is pushing back against police accounts about an incident Thursday afternoon involving protesters and a car that reportedly struck a Ramaswamy campaign vehicle.

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D.C. Dealt More Harshly with Pro-Life Protesters than Black Lives Matter, Federal Court Rules

Washington, D.C., unfairly enforced its “defacement” ordinances by dealing more harshly with pro-life protesters than with Black Lives Matter activists, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.

“In the summer of 2020, thousands of protesters flooded the streets of the District to proclaim ‘Black Lives Matter,'” the court wrote in its decision, obtained by Fox News. “Over several weeks, the protesters covered streets, sidewalks, and storefronts with paint and chalk. The markings were ubiquitous and in open violation of the District’s defacement ordinance, yet none of the protesters was arrested.”

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