Commentary: Racism and Sexism Are the Campaign Theme of the Harris-Whoever Ticket

Kamala Harris Speaking

Is Kamala Harris the quintessential DEI hire? It’s a legitimate question, given that Joe Biden made it clear during his 2020 election-year campaign that he would only consider a black woman for his VP slot. As president, he also claimed that the choice of Supreme Court Justice replacement for Stephen Breyer would be limited to a black woman. Not even the most qualified black woman, just someone possessing dark skin and lady parts.

Biden could have simply told the country that he was going to choose the most qualified person for either position. Instead, he said that his choice was going to be based primarily on skin color and gender.

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Musk Denies News Reports He’s Donating $45 Million a Month to Trump-Aligned PAC

Elon Musk

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk says news reports that he is contributing $45 million a month to a pro-Donald Trump political action committee are false.

“What’s been reported in the media is simply not true. I’m not donating $45 million a month to Trump,” Musk said during an interview Monday with Jordan Peterson, a conservative Canadian psychologist and YouTube star.

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New American Greatness Poll Shows Trump Winning Pennsylvania

Donald J. Trump

Brand new battleground polling reveals Trump leading a tight race in the battleground state of Pennsylvania over Kamala Harris. In the survey of 600 likely voters, using a sample that reported as +2 percent for Biden in 2020, Trump is now +2 percent for a 47-45 percent lead.

The survey was conducted both before and after the Biden withdrawal announcement, with one-quarter of the weighted respondent interviews occurring before Biden dropped out.

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Secret Service Repeatedly Rejected Offers to Use Drones at Deadly Trump Rally, Whistleblower Says

A whistleblower is alleging that the U.S. Secret Service declined to use drones at the deadly Pennsylvania rally for former president Donald Trump on July 13, even though the technology was repeatedly offered by local law enforcement, Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley said on Thursday.

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Commentary: America First and the Role of Unions

Sean O'Brien

The fact that the Republican National Committee invited Teamsters President Sean O’Brien to speak at their convention last week, and the fact that he showed up and delivered an impassioned address to a mostly supportive audience, is yet another example of a historic political realignment.

O’Brien’s presence at the convention was his acknowledgement that support for Donald Trump is higher among union households than among the general public. An ABC News poll conducted earlier this year had Trump beating Biden 50 percent to 41 percent, whereas overall, Biden had 47 percent support to Trump’s 43 percent.

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Trump Campaign Files FEC Complaint to Stop Biden’s $91 Million War Chest from Going to Kamala Harris

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in a courtroom (composite image)

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint Tuesday alleging President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ are in violation of campaign finance laws after transferring $91.5 million to Harris’ campaign.

The complaint, which was first reported by The New York Times, was filed by Trump’s campaign’s general counsel, David Warrington and comes after Harris announced her confirmation of delegates to be the Democrat’s new presumptive presidential nominee.

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Commentary: The Top Three Vulnerabilities of Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

Now that the will of primary voters has been discarded and President Joe Biden has been pressured out of the race by the oligarchs and powerbrokers of the Democrat Party, what are the most potent lanes of valid criticism that could make an already deeply unpopular candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris, even less palatable to sensible Americans?

The three most important vulnerabilities of this radical and untested career politician are listed below.

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President Biden Says He Left Presidential Race for the Sake of Democracy

President Joe Biden addressed the nation on Wednesday about his decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, saying that the sake of democracy is why he has decided to not run for reelection.

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Harris Promoted Paper Ballots Before 2020 Election, but Democrats Now Push Back on Election Integrity

Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris promoted using paper ballots for elections the last time she was a presidential candidate, but since then, Democrats and the Biden administration have largely pushed back against election integrity laws that Republicans have promoted.

Five years ago, Harris was part of a bipartisan effort to encourage the use of paper ballots. However, since the 2020 presidential election, Democrats have called Republicans “election deniers” for promoting such election integrity measures, and the Biden administration is focusing on suing states with election integrity laws.

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Migrants in Caravan Head to U.S. Border Using CBP One App Fearing Trump will Close Border If He Wins

Migrant caravan

A new caravan of migrants is heading to the U.S. border on foot using the U.S. government-issued CBP One smartphone app, which some of them worry 2024 presidential nominee Donald Trump would end if he wins a second term and closes the border.

The caravan left from southern Mexico.

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Commentary: The Second Amendment Is More Crucial than Ever After Attempt to Kill Trump

Man training at gun range

A 20-year-old man with a rifle, perched atop a nearby roof, fired several rounds July 13 at Donald Trump as the former president spoke at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, killing one attendee and wounding at least two others.

As we know now, one round nicked Trump’s right ear and he avoided a serious wound or death with a fortuitous head turn that moved him out of the bullet’s path at the last second.

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Commentary: Democrats’ Favorite Strategy Caused Their Current Chaos

The last few weeks sharply remind us of the old adage – “Man Plans, and God Laughs.” In less than 30 days, the American political world has been upended by a series of shocking events most people are still trying to fully comprehend. From a remarkably disastrous debate for President Joe Biden against former president Donald Trump, to the attempted assassination of Trump a short 16 days later, then two days after that the start of a well-organized and produced Republican convention with an injured but unbowed Trump, to the withdrawal of Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, it’s safe to say none of us knows what happens next.

One thing we do know – the divisive and hateful rhetoric employed by the left against Trump and his supporters is what has fed both the unraveling of the Democratic Party and the awakening of Americans to the reality of the lies and manipulation we’ve endured since Biden took office.

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Commentary: The Culprits Responsible for This Mess

Donald Trump Joe Biden

Now that Biden is toast, Trump has a real fight on his hands. Who’s to blame? Clearly, there are incompetents in both campaigns—which doesn’t bode well for America’s fight against an insurgent Russia and Communist China (and Iran and North Korea), possibly in World War III.

One asks in amazement, whose crazy, unbelievably stupid idea was it to have Biden and Trump debate in June? In time, we may find out. But for now, we can only speculate.

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Three House Hearings This Week Signal Urgency as Congress Probes Trump Assassination Attempt

Three separate House hearings this week on the security failures surrounding the attempted assassination of GOP nominee Donald Trump put the Secret Service and the FBI in the spotlight as questions still remain unanswered.

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Commentary: Democrats Did This to Themselves

President Joe Biden

by J.D. Foster   The Democratic machine is gearing up in a panic to overwhelm President Joe Biden. What a bunch of rubes. Biden is driving the Democratic wagon toward an electoral cliff, but this was foreseen a year ago among leading Democrats. Even as they tried to con and bluff the American…

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Commentary: Cancel Culture Backfires on its Leftist Makers After Trump Assassination Attempt Remarks

Donald Trump

by David Huber   In a perfect world, people like Alison Scott, a teacher in the Oklahoma-based Ardmore City Schools district would have the self-control not to post stupid stuff on social media after a U.S. presidential candidate is almost assassinated. The high school music teacher responded to a Facebook user’s…

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Trump, in First Rally Since Butler, Says He ‘Took a Bullet for Democracy’

In his first campaign trail stop since surviving an assassination attempt and accepting the party nomination at the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump on Saturday appealed to auto workers in Michigan.

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Commentary: Trump Supporters Must Avoid Overconfidence

Trump with Supporters

The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has led his supporters and some, though not all, of his opponents to acquire a greater perspective on the most important things in life. It has also led his supporters to a broader recognition what is not necessarily important in the present campaign. This is a healthy development for the Republican Party and the Make America Great Again movement. Mr. Trump continues to lead and is, again, its presidential standard bearer. Yet, if not properly channeled, the ensuing enthusiasm can engender overconfidence among the campaign and its supporters.

The temptation to feel overconfident is all too human. For quite some time, Mr. Trump had been being persecuted as someone beneath the law by the left’s noxious lawfare cabal and was deemed a threat to democracy to be eliminated by Democrats and their mockingbird media. Following the assassination attempt on Mr. Trump’s life, his supporters and all decent people offered an outpouring of gratitude that his life had been spared. Having witnessed the twist of fate that allowed a turn of Mr. Trump’s head to save him and allow his life and candidacy to continue, two potentially contentious GOP political events possessed far less potential to ignite divisive intraparty arguments.

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Man Who Tried to Kill Trump Flew Drone over Rally Hours Before Attempting Assassination: Report

Thomas Matthew Crooks

Thomas Matthew Crooks, who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally, was able to fly a drone over the rally grounds before Trump spoke, according to reports.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Crooks programmed a drone to fly over the Butler Farm Show grounds ahead of Trump’s rally. Officials told the outlet that he flew the drone over the area more than once.

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Zuckerberg Praises Trump’s ‘Badass’ Reaction to Getting ‘Shot in the Face’

Donald Trump and Mark Zuckerberg

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg had high praise for former President Trump on Thursday, calling his reaction to getting “shot in the face” one of “the most badass things” he’s ever seen.

Trump’s reaction, getting back to his feet, clenching his fist and yelling “fight, fight, fight” as blood dripped off his face, has become a much heralded and iconic moment not only in the United States, but throughout the world. 

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Bureaucrats Worry Behind Closed Doors They’ll Be Sent Packing Under Trump

Donald Trump

Government workers are reportedly in a state of panic over the prospect of former President Donald Trump winning another term in office, according to E&E News.

Bureaucrats up and down the federal hierarchy are concerned that a second Trump administration could cost them their jobs and put an end to liberal programs they worked to implement under President Joe Biden, E&E News reported. Trump has, if elected, pledged to implement reforms that would allow him to fire up to 50,000 civil servants at will, with the former president singling out workers who are incompetent, unnecessary or undermine his democratic mandate.

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Commentary: The Once and Future Nationalism

Donald Trump and JD Vance

There is no doubt that the events of Saturday, July 13, 2024, were monumental by virtue of how close we came to the course of our history being altered for the worst. No one understands that better than President Trump himself, who is now determined to shape our destiny for the better and on his terms.

As such, the vice presidential selection of Ohio Senator J.D. Vance shows that, while President Trump is undoubtedly shaken by a not-too-distant past, he is already looking toward the future.

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Commentary: An Assassination Attempt Reveals DEI’s False Promises

Kimberly Cheatle

For over a half century the proponents of DEI and its intellectual precursors have fought from high ground, not from a moral position, but a tactical and strategic one secured by Marxist indoctrination that has pervaded nearly every corner of society. 

The deliberate and methodical campaign has successfully muted public criticism, although privately most Americans felt that there is something terribly wrong with a philosophy that prioritizes appearance over ability. 

DEI’s commanding role in all branches of the military has resulted in no tangible benefits but a myriad of failures—falling morale and standards, recruitment shortfalls, plummeting public confidence in the military, poor leadership, and with the exception of the Marine Corps, the inability to fulfill basic mission requirements at an acceptable level. 

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‘Confidence, Strength, and Hope’: Trump Calls for Unity, Vows American Renewal in RNC Speech

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday used his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention to issue a call for unity in wake of an assassination attempt against him over the weekend, which he described in detail.

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FBI Now Thinks Gaming Account in Trump Shooter’s Name That Issued Warning Was Not His: CNN Report

CNN is reporting that the Federal Bureau of Investigation now thinks the gunman who shot former President Donald Trump at an outdoor campaign rally last weekend did not write an anonymous message on the gaming platform Steam in the days leading up to the assassination attempt.

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Vance Channels ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ with RNC Speech, Giving Voice to Small Town America

Ohio GOP Sen. JD Vance on Wednesday recalled his childhood and the downturn of small town America as he grew up, pointing the finger at President Joe Biden and other career politicians in Washington.

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Benjamin Netanyahu Quietly Working to Win Trump over Ahead of Presidential Elections After Falling Out in 2020

Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his team are working behind closed doors to win over former President Donald Trump’s approval after the two world leaders had a falling out in 2020, Axios reported on Tuesday.

Netanyahu called President Joe Biden in 2020 following the year’s election and congratulated him on his win, which Trump viewed as an insult and prompted him to stop speaking to the Israeli leader. As Trump’s chance for a win in 2024 increases, Netanyahu’s team is attempting to win Trump’s favor back — but it hasn’t been easy, people in Netanyhu’s orbit told Axios.

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Commentary: The Power of Courage

Donald Trump in front of the American Flag (composite image)

The iconic photo of Donald Trump standing tall and defiantly after an attempted assassination speaks volumes. It reminds the whole world that Trump is a fighter. In his case, it is more than a metaphor, as “fighter” is for most of the political class. He showed real physical courage, and this cannot fail to impress.

As society has gotten more modern and organized, physical courage has become less necessary and less valued. Physical ability in general, such as the brawn and endurance required to be a cowboy or coal miner, doesn’t have much to do with the ability to analyze Excel spreadsheets, run a cash register, or do any number of office jobs. Softer skills are in higher demand and are rewarded accordingly.

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Commentary: The Economics of Early Voting

After the recent assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump, some think the race is Trump’s to lose. I tend to agree that the race is in some ways Trump’s to lose, while at the same time feel very strongly that the left is not going to simply roll over and give up on trying to keep Trump from a second term.

So it’s important to not be over-exuberant; Trump is absolutely riding high right now, from the debacle of a debate for Biden to Judge Cannon dismissing the Jack Smith documents case to surviving an assassination attempt. But the right needs to focus on what takes place between now and November 5th, specifically on how every Republican and conservative can help Trump win by doing one simple thing: casting your ballot early.

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Oversight Committee Says Homeland Security Refuses to Confirm a Secret Service Briefing Time

House Republican members on the Oversight Committee said Tuesday the Department of Homeland Security has taken over communications between the committee and the U.S. Secret Service and refuses to confirm a time for a briefing that was supposed to take place today. 

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Secret Service Chief Says No Agents Placed on Building Trump Shooter Used Because Sloped Roof Deemed a ‘Safety’ Concern

Embattled U.S. Secret Service Chief Kimberly Cheatle said Tuesday that the reason there were no agents stationed on top of the building the gunman used to carry out his assassination attempt on Donald Trump is because the building’s slightly sloped roof  was deemed unsafe for agents to navigate.

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Secret Service in Crisis: Inflexible Protocols, Security Lapses in Spotlight

Inflexible Secret Service protocols, overworked special agents, and a decision against deploying more counter snipers to President Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania all contributed to creating the opening for a gunman to wound Trump, kill a bystander, and seriously injure two others, according to several sources in the Secret Service community.

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Mar-a-Lago Case Dismissal Could Spell the End of Smith’s D.C. Prosecution and Anti-Trump Lawfare

Mar-a-Lago Documents

After surviving an assassination attempt over the weekend, Trump began the week with good news in the form of Judge Aileen Cannon dismissing special counsel Jack Smith’s Mar-a-Lago case against him in a seismic ruling that could spell the end of his federal legal woes and build on his existing momentum in the national spotlight.

Smith had charged Trump in connection with his storage and retention of materials at his Mar-a-Lago estate, which the FBI raided in August of 2022. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith in late 2022 to pursue the case and he brought an initial indictment in 2023. Trump pleaded not guilty though Smith in July of that year brought a superseding indictment with additional charges. The former president has long maintained he was innocent of any wrongdoing and that the case was part of a broader political witch hunt designed to derail his 2024 bid for the White House.

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JD Vance Well-Received by Republican Leaders as Former President Trump’s 2024 Running Mate

Elected officials and leaders of the Republican Party expressed tremendous support for Ohio U.S. Senator JD Vance (R-OH) after former President Donald Trump announced Vance as his running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

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