GOP-Led House Rejects Republican Congressman’s Amendment to Ban Taxpayer Funding for IVF at Pentagon

Woman using a microscope

The GOP-led House Rules Committee has rejected an amendment by Republican Rep. Matt Rosendale to keep taxpayer-funded IVF treatments for Pentagon personnel out of the chamber’s propose defense spending bill.

The amendment by the Montana congressman was among 193 proposed for the bill.

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House Republicans Balk at Temporary Spending Bill

Numerous House Republicans have voiced opposition to the continuing resolution (CR) brokered by the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) and the Main Street Caucus on Sunday evening to avoid a government shutdown.

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McCarthy Agrees to Key Rule Change in Effort to Solidify Support for Speakership Bid

With the election for Speaker of the House of Representatives taking place on Tuesday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has agreed to a major rule change in an effort to secure conservative support for his shaky bid for leadership.

The Daily Caller reports that McCarthy agreed on Sunday to make it easier for a vote of no-confidence to be brought up against a sitting Speaker, changing the procedure so that any rank-and-file member of the House can call for such a vote. Previously, a vote of no-confidence, also known as a motion to vacate the chair, could only be brought by a member of party leadership.

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