Three Out of Four Electric Vehicle Charging Developers Say They Can’t Get Enough Electricity For Their Stations

EV Charging station

Green Energy Failure: Supply chain issues, financing, fleet-adequate solutions, engineering costs, and inadequate software among roadblocks cited in the survey.

Businesses building electric vehicle charging stations say that finding enough electricity is a major — perhaps fatal — problem.

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New U.S. Solar Panel Installations Set to Crater Thanks to Inflation, Supply Chain Issues

Solar panel installations are set to decrease in 2022 off of major supply chain issues and rising prices caused by inflation, according to an industry report.

New utility or large-scale industrial solar installations are expected to experience a decline of 14% year-over-year in 2022, the report published Thursday by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Wood Mackenzie showed. Utility-scale solar projects saw an average price increase of 18% over the last year.

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