Jill Biden Appears to Tell Joe Biden Not to Sit at D-Day Ceremony, but He Does Anyway

New York Post President Biden was spotted awkwardly fumbling for his seat as other dignitaries remained standing during a poignant D-Day commemoration ceremony in France on Thursday. The 81-year-old could be seen grasping for his chair in the middle of the stage in Normandy, France — despite his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, and French President Emmanuel Macron…

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Commentary: An Open Letter to State Attorneys General to Sue New York

State Attorneys General have a duty to sue the city and state of New York, which rewrote federal election and state business records law to interfere with the 2024 election, throw former President Donald Trump in jail and disenfranchise tens of millions of Americans’ right to vote for their choice for President, all in violation of the Supremacy Clause under Article VI.

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ACLU to Sue Biden Administration over New Border Rules

Customs Border Protection agent and migrant showing papers

The far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced its intention to sue the White House after Joe Biden announced a new executive order that would ostensibly reduce access to the asylum system for illegal aliens.

According to Axios, the ACLU had made preparations for such a lawsuit even before Biden officially announced the executive order, which he signed on Tuesday. There had been leaks to the press in the days ahead of the order confirming many details of the plan.

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Increasing Copper Production for Green Energy Is Impossible, Study Says

David Hammond mineral economist

Proponents of the transition to so-called green energy argue that the technology to eliminate the use of fossil fuels already exists and it’s just a matter of scaling it up to meet demand. That sounds simple enough.

Putting aside the impact to energy costs and other challenges of this proposed transition, analyses of what is technically and financially possible in developing the resources needed for this plan show that the energy transition in the timescales that proponents demand is not just difficult. It’s impossible.

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SPLC Adds Openly Gay Group to List of ‘Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Groups’

Gays Against Groomers

The Left’s main smear organ has targeted an openly gay organization and groups of doctors who oppose “gender-affirming care” in efforts to silence opposition to the transgender agenda and drag queen story hours.

The Southern Poverty Law Center released its “Year in Hate and Extremism” report Tuesday, warning about encroaching “theocracy” and an “authoritarian takeover” as part of the “organizational infrastructure … upholding white supremacy in the United States.”

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Commentary: Parental Freedom is Flourishing

Parents homeschooling their child

It’s no secret that the government’s monopoly on education is in trouble. Across the country, public schools are emptying while parental choice is flourishing. Florida, perhaps the national leader in this movement, has four different private school choice programs: one education savings account (ESA), one voucher program, and two tax-credit scholarships.

One of the results of Florida’s success is that many of the state’s public schools are shutting down. Florida’s Broward County, the sixth largest school district in the country, housing some 320 K-12 schools, could see 42 of them shut down, including 32 elementary schools, eight middle schools, and two high schools.

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Music Spotlight: High Mountain Breezes

Nashville has no shortage of super-talented singers, songwriters, and musicians. For every hit song you hear, somebody somewhere had to write and play the music, engineer and produce it, and somehow get it to radio or streaming services.

Without these studio musicians, we wouldn’t have the quality of music we have today. High Mountain Breezes (HMB) is a collection of Nashville’s finest studio musicians who create music for other artists. But sometimes, these musicians want to make music for themselves, not just to accompany a famous lead singer.

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Commentary: The Declaration of Independence Is Now Problematic for the Authoritarian Left

Flags Across America event at Arlington National Cemetery

In George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984,”the authoritarian government had power over every aspect of people’s lives, especially their thoughts. To reshape minds, even history could be changed:

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered,” Orwell wrote. “And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped.”

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Alvin Bragg Wants Trump to Stay Under Gag Order Even After Conviction

Alvin Bragg and Donald Trump in a courtroom (composite image)

Democratic Manhattan District Alvin Bragg’s office defended on Wednesday keeping former President Donald Trump under his gag order, requesting that it stay in place at least through Trump’s sentencing hearing in late July and any post-trial motions.

Trump attorney’s asked Judge Juan Merchan on Tuesday to lift the order, writing in a letter that the “concerns articulated by the government and the Court do not justify restrictions on the First Amendment rights of President Trump” now that the trial has concluded. Prosecutors disagreed, responding that the order was intended to protect more than just the trial proceedings.

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Hunter Biden Told Congress He Didn’t Work on Visas for Burisma Boss, but Emails Suggest Otherwise

Hunter Biden in front of US Capitol building (composite image)

Hunter Biden told Congress earlier this year during his impeachment deposition that he would never have assisted his Ukrainian business partners in resolving their travel visa issues. But evidence newly obtained by Congress directly conflicts with that testimony.

In one email, in fact, Hunter Biden asserts he is working with someone to get visa issues resolved for Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of the Burisma Holding energy firm that hired the future first son on its board.

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Commentary: The WHO Pandemic Treaty Is Deja Vu All over Again

WHO Meeting

One would be hard-pressed to find many Americans today who look back at the pandemic with fondness or admiration for the way in which our government – including our public health officials – responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. The mistakes made were legion, the cost mind-blowing, and the misconduct even worse. Indeed, Anthony Fauci, the very face of the pandemic for most Americans, seems to have embodied a contempt for integrity in government. His record-keeping practices and aversion to congressional and public oversight were the epitome of bureaucratic arrogance.

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Internal Guidance Reveals How Biden’s Immigration Order is Ripe for Exploitation by Illegal Immigrants

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents with a line of asylum seekers

There are a litany of ways illegal immigrants can get around President Joe Biden’s new executive order and avoid removal, according to internal guidance obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Biden announced an executive order on Tuesday to limit illegal immigration across the U.S.-Mexico border by temporarily suspending the entry of foreign nationals if the number of average border encounters exceeds 2,500 a day over a one-week time period. However, an internal memo by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shows there are many ways asylum seekers can exploit the order.

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Somali Defendants Detained After Bag of $120,000 in Cash Shows Up at Juror’s Home During COVID Fraud Trial

A federal judge dismissed a juror in a Somali fraud case in Minnesota Monday, after she said someone showed up at her home on Sunday and left a bag of $120,000 in cash with a potential of more to come if the juror agreed to acquit the defendants.

The seven defendants—Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, Mohamed Jama Ismail, Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, Said Shafii Farah, Abdiwahab Maalim Aftin, Mukhtar Mohamed Shariff and Hayat Mohamed Nur—are accused of stealing more than $40 million from a tax-payer funded child nutrition program.

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