New American Greatness Poll Shows Trump Winning Pennsylvania

Donald J. Trump

Brand new battleground polling reveals Trump leading a tight race in the battleground state of Pennsylvania over Kamala Harris. In the survey of 600 likely voters, using a sample that reported as +2 percent for Biden in 2020, Trump is now +2 percent for a 47-45 percent lead.

The survey was conducted both before and after the Biden withdrawal announcement, with one-quarter of the weighted respondent interviews occurring before Biden dropped out.

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Vast Majority of Democrats Would Accept Harris If Biden Bowed Out: Poll

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Democrats would overwhelmingly support Vice President Kamala Harris as nominee if President Joe Biden drops out of the race, according to an Economist/YouGov poll released Thursday.

Despite her dismal approval ratings among all voters, 79 percent of Democrats said they would support Harris as the party’s nominee if Biden withdrew from the race, according to the poll. However, less than a third of Democratic voters believe Harris would be more likely than Biden to defeat former President Donald Trump in the November election.

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Alternate Democratic Presidential Candidates Perform Better than Biden, New Polling Data Shows

Mark Kelly, Wes Moore, Josh Shapiro, and Gretchen Whitmer in front of the White House (composite image)

The strongest potential Democratic presidential candidates in the poll were Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., Gov. Wes Moore, D-Md., Gov. Josh Shapiro, D-Pa. and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, D-Mich.

Alternate Democratic presidential candidates perform better than President Biden against former President Trump, according to new polling from BlueLabs Analytics of 15,000 voters in seven swing states.

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Cracks Widen in Democratic Support of Biden as Debate Rages over Fitness for Office

Joe Biden

Cracks in the previously widespread Democratic support for President Joe Biden have begun widening recently over concerns about the president’s fitness for office following his showing at the first debate.

Democrats were spooked last week after Biden participated in a presidential debate against former President Donald Trump. The president’s performance in the debate has been described as a crisis by some commentators, and some insiders suggested the party should consider replacing Biden with a different candidate.

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Analysis: 55 Percent of Democrats Think Biden Should Keep Running, 45 Percent Say to Step Aside After Debate

President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden continues to command the confidence of just 55 percent of Democrats in the most recent CBS News-YouGov poll taken June 28 to June 29 in the aftermath of Biden’s disastrous June 27 debate with former President Donald Trump, where Biden occasionally appeared confused and lost his train of thought and uttered unintelligible phrases.

45 percent of Democrats think Biden should definitely step aside. Catastrophically, so do 70 percent of independents, with only 30 percent saying he should keep running. Unsurprisingly, 75 percent of Republicans say Biden should step aside, with 25 percent saying he should keep running — likely because they think he’ll be easy to beat in his current state.

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Vast Majority of Small Business Owners Worried Biden’s Economy Will Force Them to Close

A large portion of small business owners are concerned about their future amid wider financial stress under President Joe Biden, according to a new poll from the Job Creators Network Foundation (JCNF) obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Around 67 percent of small business owners were worried that current economic conditions could force them to close their doors, ten percentage points higher than just two years ago, according to the JCNF’s monthly small business poll. Respondents’ perceptions of economic conditions for their own businesses fell slightly in the month, from 70.2 to 68.1 points, with 100 points being the best possible business conditions, while perceptions of national conditions increased from 50.4 to 53.2 points.

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Poll: Three in Four Fear Artificial Intelligence Abuse in Presidential Election

Election results on a mobile phone screen

More than 3 in 4 Americans fear abuses of artificial intelligence will affect the 2024 presidential election, and many are not confident they can detect faked photos, videos or audio.

AI & Politics ’24, led by Lee Rainie and Jason Husser at Elon University, found 78 percent believe it is likely artificial intelligence will be abused to impact the outcome between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. There are 39 percent who believe artificial intelligence will hurt the election process, and just 5 percent believe it will help.

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Analysis: New Poll Finds Trump Leads Biden Among Voters Above 30 Years Old Who Say It’s Time for a Change

President Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump led among voters above the age of 30 years old in the latest Emerson national poll taken April 2-3 over incumbent President Joe Biden, who only led among younger voters 18 to 29, 50.2 percent to 39.6 percent.

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Poll: Voters Want Schools to Focus on Basics Instead of Critical Race Theory

Kids getting on school bus

The vast majority of people think schools should focus on traditional subjects like math, reading and science, and a majority also say critical race theory should not be taught, a new poll shows. 

According to The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll conducted by Noble Predictive, most surveyed said they want schools to focus on core subjects instead of hot-button topics like critical race theory.

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Trump Trending Ahead of Biden in Key Battleground States and Nationwide, Polls Find

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in a series of recent battleground state polls and national surveys, indicating his continued political resilience despite a summer of criminal indictments as voters remain lukewarm on the current administration.

Trump is ahead of Biden in key swing states by anywhere from 1 point to 9 points, and the former president is leading from 1 point to 10 points nationally, according to numerous recent surveys. Polling analysts argued to the Daily Caller News Foundation that the surveys appear to be trending in Trump’s favor, with some cautioning that it is still too early in the election season to be predictive.

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Biden’s Support Among Minority Voters Is Plummeting as Trump Gains Ground, Poll Finds

President Joe Biden is losing substantial ground with minority voters while former President Donald Trump is gaining significantly, according to a poll released on Monday.

Biden’s support among black, Latino and Asian voters fell from 63 percent in July to 47 percent, according to the Monmouth University Poll. Trump’s support among these demographics rose from 23 percent to 33 percent during the same time period.

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President Biden’s Approval Rating Dips Again to 31 Percent, 80 Percent Say Country is Doing ‘Badly,’ New Poll Finds

President Joe Biden’s approval rating with independent voters, a critical bloc ahead of the 2024 election, is at 31 percent, while 80 percent of them say things in America are going “somewhat” or “very” badly, according to a new poll.

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Ramaswamy Blasts DeSantis ‘Monster PAC’ Following Report of Fake News Dirty Politics

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is blasting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and “Monster PAC” following a report exposing the political action committee\’s campaign in “spreading dirt” and “misstatements” about the poll-rising Ramaswamy.

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Don Jr. Says Christie’s Expected Attacks on Trump at Debate Will Do Him Little Good in Republican Presidential Race

As expected, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took some big swings at GOP presidential front-runner and former president Donald Trump Wednesday night at the first debate of the 2024 primary season.

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Ramaswamy Tops DeSantis in Latest Scott Rasmussen Poll, Trump Expands Frontrunner Position

Ohio entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy has overtaken Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in another national Republican primary poll.

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New Morning Consult Poll Shows Trump Dominating, Ramaswamy Rising

Former President Donald Trump continues to crush the competition, but political outsider Vivek Ramaswamy is swiftly rising in the crowded field of Republican presidential candidates, according to a new Morning Consult poll.

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Trump, Biden Dominate Latest Granite State Poll, but Many Don’t Want to See a Re-Match

Former President Donald Trump has upped his support over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the Granite State and President Joe Biden leads his Democratic Party challengers by more than 50 percentage points, according to a new poll conducted by the Saint Anselm College Survey Center at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics.

But the latest poll also finds that a majority of New Hampshire voters believe a repeat of 2020 presidential candidates in 2024 would mark a “broken” U.S. political system.  

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Legal Experts: Politically Motivated, Yes, But Trump Could Be in Trouble with Latest Indictment

While many Americans feel former President Donald Trump is the target of a political witch hunt by the Biden administration and its allies, the latest allegations against the Republican Party’s top presidential candidate are troubling, according to a leading constitutional law expert.

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Amid Impeachment Effort, Texas House Speaker’s Popularity Plummets in His Own District

Recent polls indicate that House Speaker Dade Phelan’s popularity is plummeting in his district.

Texas House District 24, which prior to redistricting was the shape of a horseshoe encompassing Winnie, Port Arthur, Beaumont and Orange in southeast Texas,  now includes a sliver of the region stretching north to include Jasper County.

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Biden Hits Record Low Approval Rating for Handling of Immigration: Poll

Americans largely disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of immigration policy, according to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll released Monday.

Only 31 percent of Americans approve on the president’s handling of immigration, according to the poll, which was conducted between May 11-15. Under Biden’s leadership, federal authorities have seen record surges in illegal immigration, recording more than 2.3 million migrant encounters in fiscal year 2022 and more than 1.4 million at the southern border so far in fiscal year 2023.

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New Poll Shows Trump, DeSantis Lead in New Hampshire, Followed by Granite State Favorite Son

A new poll in the first-in-the-nation presidential primary state shows former President Donald Trump leading the pack, followed at a distance by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and a New Hampshire native son. 

The Saint Anselm College Survey Center poll also shows the youngest candidate in the race, 37-year-old Ohio entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy picking up a bit of momentum in the Granite State. 

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Methodology and Motive Questions Surround Poll Showing DeSantis Ahead of Trump in Iowa

Two polls showing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis “running more competitively” against former President Donald Trump in first-in-the-nation nominating states Iowa and New Hampshire are missing some key data, raising questions about the validity of the surveys.

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House Bill Would Block Biden’s Student Loan Bailout

While the constitutionality of President Joe Biden’s student loan bailout is awaiting a Supreme Court decision, a bill re-introduced by two House members would block the Biden administration from canceling student loan debt on a mass scale. 

The Student Loan Accountability Act, authored by U.S. Representatives Mike Gallagher (R-WI-08) and Drew Ferguson (R-GA-03) would also prevent forgiven loans from getting an additional tax break and it would bar the Internal Revenue Service from sharing American’s tax information for the purpose of implementing mass loan cancelation. 

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Poll: Plurality of Americans Believes We Are Heading for Next World War

As the war in Ukraine and tensions with China intensify, more Americans fear we’re on the brink of World War III, according to a new Convention of States Action poll. 

The survey of more than 1,000 U.S. voters, conducted Feb. 22-26 by The Trafalgar Group, finds more than 43 percent of respondents worry that Russia’s continued war and threats against other European nations, as well as China’s aggressive actions, have put the world on the precipice of another global conflict.

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New Poll Shows Overwhelming Disapproval of Biden’s Handling of Spy Balloon Affair

While he made time to attack Republicans during Tuesday’s State of the Union address, President Joe Biden failed to note his handling of the Chinese spy balloon affair. A new poll might just explain why the Democrat avoided the topic.

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Few Democrats Want Biden to Run Again in 2024: Poll

Heading into President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address Tuesday, his own party has little desire for a second Biden term, according to a new poll.

The poll, released Monday by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, reports that only 37 percent of Democrats want Biden to run for a re-election.

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Poll: Americans Say Critical Race Theory Dividing Young People

More than two-thirds of American voters believe the tenets and teachings of Critical Race Theory are only serving to further divide young people, according to a recent national poll. Conducted for Summit Ministries by nationally renowned polling firm McLaughlin & Associates, the poll shows 69 percent of respondents with an opinion on the issue believe CRT curriculum further divides ethnic groups and races among American youth. Less than one-third (31%) say CRT promotes racial healing and reconciliation among America’s kids.

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New Polling Finds Republicans Hold Sight Edge over Democrats in Party Preferences

For the first time in more than three decades, a higher percentage of Americans are identifying as Republicans or saying that they are GOP-leaning than those who are saying they are Democrats or leaning toward the Democratic Party, according to a new poll.

While 44% of Americans say they are Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents, 45% of Americans said they lean toward the GOP, according to a Gallup poll released Thursday.

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Poll: Republican Lee Zeldin Gains Lead In New York Governor’s Race

Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York, who is running for governor against Democratic incumbent Kathy Hochul, has taken the lead in the race for the first time, per a new poll.

Zeldin currently has the support of 48.4% of respondents, compared to Hochul’s 47.6%, a lead of 0.8 points, according to the poll by The Trafalgar Group released Monday. Per RealClearPolitics, this is the first major poll that has shown a lead for Zeldin, a Long Islander representing New York’s 1st Congressional District.

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Poll: Majority of American Voters Believe Transgender Movement Has Gone Too Far by Encouraging Children to Change Their Gender

A new poll finds 75 percent of likely American voters believe the transgender movement has gone too far by encouraging underage minors to use drugs and surgery to transition to the opposite sex.

The survey, sponsored by Colorado-based Summit Ministries, which embraces a Christian worldview, in partnership with national polling firm McLaughlin & Associates, also finds 69 percent of voters, who have an opinion on the issue, believe the rise in transgenderism among teens is the result of influence to question their gender by social media and other cultural forces.

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New Poll Smothers Democrats’ Hopes That Abortion Can Thwart a Red Wave

Abortion is not a top priority for female voters and most women support abortion limits that would have been considered unconstitutional under the Roe v. Wade precedent, a new poll found, dashing Democrats’ hopes of an electoral advantage over abortion.

Inflation was about four times as likely to be listed as the most important issue for female respondents compared to abortion, with only 54% saying abortion was very important in determining their vote compared to 74% for inflation, according to the RMC Research/America First Policy Institute poll shared exclusively with the Daily Caller News Foundation. The polling cuts against a common Democratic talking point: that overturning Roe would be an electoral boon for Democrats as pro-abortion voters, and women in particular, flocked to the polls in November.

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Poll: Nearly 80 Percent of Voters Oppose Transgender Hormones and Surgeries in Minors

A Trafalgar Group poll released Friday found 78.7 percent of likely voters oppose transgender treatments, such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, as well as sex-change surgeries for minors.

The poll, conducted in partnership with Convention of States Action from October 8-11, surveyed 1,079 likely 2022 election voters.

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Poll Shows Connecticut Races for Governor and U.S. Senate Tightening

A new poll commissioned by CT Examiner found the races for Connecticut governor and for the U.S. Senate are tightening as the election approaches.

The poll, published Saturday, found Governor Ned Lamont (D) leading Bob Stefanowski (R) 46-40 percent, with 5 percent favoring Independent Party candidate Rob Hotaling, and 10 percent undecided.

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Poll: Americans Say Grocery Prices Will Affect Their Vote in November

High grocery prices are top-of-mind for voters with a little over a month until the midterm elections, according to a new poll. 

Convention of States Action, along with Trafalgar Group, released the poll, which found that 68.3% of surveyed voters say that the “increase in the price of groceries is impacting their motivation to vote in the 2022 election.”

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Telemundo Poll Shows Drastic 50 Percent Drop in Hispanic Support for Dems Since 2012

A new NBC/Telemundo poll shows that Latino support for the Democratic Party has dropped by 50 percent in the last 10 years.

Mark Murray from NBC News tweeted out the poll’s results which show that in 2012 Latinos preferred a Democrat-led Congress over Republicans by 42 points. By 2022, that difference dropped to 21 points.

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Insider Advantage Poll: Trump Would Beat Biden 47 Percent to 43 Percent if Election Were Held Today

A new national poll shows that former President Donald Trump would beat Joe Biden 47 percent to 43 percent in a presidential match-up if the election were held today. Ten percent had no opinion.

The Insider Advantage National Survey, conducted for Center for American Greatness, polled 750 likely voters on April 21 to April 23.

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Biden Approval Rating Continues to Plummet Amid Growing Economic Crisis

Joe Biden’s approval rating has fallen even further in another mainstream poll, returning once more to the 30s in approval.

The Hill reports that Biden scored a mere 37 percent approval in the latest ABC News and Washington Post poll, with 55 percent disapproving of his performance. The remaining seven percent had no opinion one way or the other. The same poll back in November recorded a 41 percent approval rating.

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