Analysis: Americans Say 2024 Race is About the Issues Not Candidates Puts Biden at a Sharp Disadvantage

Joe Biden

The mainstream media is running with the headline that the latest Fox News poll shows Former President Trump two points behind President Joe Biden – a difference well within the margin of error – but the poll also reveals an edge for Trump on a majority of electoral issues. In addition, a majority of voters say the race in November will be about the issues, not about the candidates, a finding that could significantly favor Trump.

The poll does show Trump has lost a modest amount of ground since his conviction earlier this month, however, he remains up significantly with key groups of swing voters compared to 2020. The data continues to show Biden in a deep deficit with minorities and young voters but clawing his way back up with older voters and whites.

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Commentary: Hispanics Are Shaping A New Conservative Majority

Hispanic Americans

A new conservative, America First movement is building–and leading the formation of this new governing philosophy are Hispanics yearning for the American Dream they came here to realize. They are shaping and leading a new conservative majority that builds on their shared values of faith, family, freedom, and work.

This rapid shift of Hispanics to the conservative movement has shaken the Left to its core, who for years pinned their political hopes on demographic destiny and the idea that the Hispanic community would be a permanent fixture of their base.

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Commentary: Rural and Hispanic Communities Among Those Most Benefited by Telehealth

Telehealth has become a health care gamechanger for tens of millions of Americans.

We all know the time and effort an in-person health visit takes – travel to the appointment, time off work, hours spent in an office, follow ups that require us to do the whole process over again. But telehealth expansion in the post-COVID world has changed everything.

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Commentary: Biden Losing Support from Swing Voters Due to Southern Border Crisis

A striking new NPR / Marist poll reveals swing voters who supported Joe Biden by wide margins in 2020 are retracting their votes, and the unsustainable crisis on the southern border is at the heart of this collapse in support.

The tide has turned on immigration politics in four short years, and a majority of Americans now see the border crisis as an issue that needs to be solved swiftly. The NPR poll reveals a majority of Americans have adopted a harsh deportation mindset, with the nation saying 51 percent to 48 percent that all illegals should be deported. This is a radical change in sentiment from just a few years ago, and speaks to voters’ growing distrust of an Open Borders agenda that imports cheap foreign labor at the expense of American citizens.

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Hispanics Most Likely to Say Immigration Is a Top Priority: Poll

Illegal Immigrants Walking

Hispanics were the most likely racial group to rank immigration as their most pressing matter, according to an Associated Press (AP)-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll published on Wednesday.

A total of 43% of Hispanic adults identified immigration as the number one priority for the government to address, surpassing 36% of white respondents, 29% of Asians and Pacific Islanders and 19% of black respondents sharing the same sentiment, according to the AP. Moreover, 35% of American adults surveyed named immigration as a main issue, consisting of 55% of Republicans and 22% of Democrats, according to the poll.

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Poll: Trump Leads Biden Among Hispanics and Younger Voters

Students for Trump

A new poll suggests that President Donald Trump is gaining significant ground with two key voter blocs that he previously lost in 2016 and 2020, improving his odds of a comeback victory in 2024.

As reported by The Hill, the poll was conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University. Its findings reveal that in a hypothetical rematch between Trump and Joe Biden, Trump receives 39% of Hispanic support while Biden is at 34%. The same poll showed President Trump with 37% support among voters under the age of 35, whereas Biden is supported by 33% of the same group; in 2020, Biden’s margin against Trump with this demographic was 24%.

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Commentary: Hispanics Reject Biden’s Agenda

Joe Biden and the Democrats hemorrhage Latino support into 2024. In fact, the trend grows into perhaps the biggest single liability for the Left into next year’s election. The liberal site Axios sent up a warning flare, declaring the breakdown in Biden’s Hispanic support as “an alarming, re-election-threatening, full-blown crisis for the White House.”

The latest battleground state polling from my organization, the League of American Workers, validates that assessment, and points to potential seismic gains for the cause of patriotic populism among Hispanics this election cycle. Specifically, the latest survey highlights massive Hispanic dissatisfaction with Biden and leftist policies in the key battleground of Arizona, one of the most Hispanic states in America.

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Commentary: Biden’s Hispanic Vulnerability

A growing cohort of Hispanics find themselves political orphans. Many of them have yet to fully align with the Republican Party, but they increasingly turn away from the economic mismanagement and leftist social extremism of the 2020’s Democrats.

As such, Biden finds a new and worsening problem headed into election year: hemorrhaging support among Hispanics, and especially among working-class Latino voters.

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Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Bans Critical Race Theory and Government Use of Woke Term ‘Latinx’ in Executive Orders

Newly sworn-in Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) began her term of office by signing seven executive orders, including one that bans Critical Race Theory (CRT) and another that prohibits government use of the woke term “Latinx.”

In her inaugural address, Sanders announced education reform would be “the hallmark of my administration,” and that one of her immediate executive orders would be “preventing the political indoctrination of Arkansas’s schoolchildren.”

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Joe Biden Hits New Low of 31 Percent Approval in New Quinnipiac Poll, Only 19 Percent of Hispanics Approve

Joe Biden has hit a new low in the latest Quinnipiac University National Poll, with a mere 31 percent of Americans approving of the job he’s doing, and 60 percent disapproving.

The new poll, released today, shows Biden with only 29 percent approval among white voters, and with an even lower approval rating of 19 percent among Hispanics. Most black voters approved of Biden’s job performance, giving him a 61 percent approval rating.

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Record Number of Hispanic Republicans Are Running for State House in Border State

A record number of Hispanics in New Mexico are running for state House seats as members of the Republican Party, Axios reported Tuesday.

The state, which has the highest percentage of Hispanics in the country, has 18 Hispanic Republicans campaigning to be elected to the Democrat-controlled state House of Representatives, Axios reported. The candidates are largely running competitive districts, both urban and rural.

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Democrats’ Worst Nightmare Is Coming True in Texas

A significant number of Hispanic women are poised to represent the Republican Party in Texas as congressional candidates in the upcoming midterms, creating a potential nightmare scenario for Democrats as they attempt to reverse GOP gains.

Four Hispanic women have already won their respective GOP primaries, while two others made it to a runoff that will be held in May. Three of them, Mayra Flores, Monica de la Cruz and Cassy Garcia, have the potential to become the first Hispanic women and the first Republicans to represent South Texas in Congress.

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